Sand sifting goby


What is the best sand sifting goby? I have a 32gal tank with 2 false percula clowns, Eurchant, and a few needle snails and a few turbos, and a couple hermits. Tanks is 5 1/2 months old.


Get a 4 wheel drive goby, aka...2 spot goby....they have them on here...they sift the sand and spit it back out through there gills, the bigger the better though bc they tend to be very scared of large fish and wont clean where the fish swim....


Two Spotted sound like a good cleaner but, it there any that would look brighter or have a little color to them?


try the engineer they look similar to an eel they are black with a white stripe they burrow tho


What about a mandarin goby, How do I know if I have enough pods to keep one? Do the clean the sand they sure look cool.


Mandarins are a beautiful fish, but they don't exactly sift the sand
Besides, I wouldn't recommend trying one unless you have a well established, 55g or greater, 100+lbs of LR and a complete sump/fuge system. And by well established I mean up and running well for over a year or so
But, if your looking for an awsome SS goby with a little color.. try a diamond goby, there sand sifting machines and they look pretty neat too. A buddy has one in with a niger and a porc puff and he still never stops sifting. He has a whole system of burrows under his LR. I would say him, or try a Randals, there a beautiful species as well


i don't think a diamond goby will find enough to eat in a 32gal. their feeding habits lead most of them to only eat what is in the substrate(pods).
is your sand dirty?


Wow, I'm always upset when people don't read the full thread and then post, and look at me, I just did it
I didn't even get to the 32 gal. part in his post... sorry. Although a 32 gal may be a little small for a diamond, they aren't nearly as demanding on microfauna as Blennys or Mandarins IMO. I can't remember the last time i've heard of a diamond dying of starvation, as they really seem to acclimate well, and seem to recognize the new food source almost immediately, at least for me and the people I know who have, or had them anyways
I'm not disagreeing with you on the "too small for the tank" part tho NEreef....


Active Member
get a dragon goby, not much color but very cool body shape and they sift the crap (literally
) out of sand. YAY puns


don't worry about it.
i do believe that a high percentage of these fish die due to starvation over about 6-8 months. they are a great fish to have though, if you have the tank for it or if you get lucky and it eats prepared foods.


i got a 46 gal. and have had a yellow watchman goby in it since the tank was 2 months old he is very bright and has lots of blue dots very awesome fish