sand sifting star and copepods?

nacl freak

Will this star fish deplete my copepod populations ? I was encouraged by my lfs to buy a SSS to keep my sand clean. I was thinking as part of a clean up crew,detritus, you know poop. I read on another site they eat all the living organism that makes your sand "alive".


Active Member
Yes, they will eat sand bed fauna including worms and crustaceans, and are some of the worst animals to add to a tank. They DO NOT eat detritus or even food. They are predatory on sand bed organisms. They will, in many cases, ultimately starve to death.


very good advice, as always, from O. another issue is that you can't ever see them, until they die and pop out of the sand.

nacl freak

I am so distraught about this! I read the discription on SWF that and along with my lfs recommendation I added Sandy to my tank. What to do now ? Return, so another unsuspecting reefer purchases.Allow it to die of hunger in QT? I have a mandrian so IT's GOT TO GO!


Active Member
The best opportunity is to find a local person with a very large tank...say 150g. The survivial rate tends to be much higher, and the overall impact on the sand bed relatively lower.


I would see if you have LFS that carries copod suppliments.
I put some in my 72 and with gobies and a sand sifter I had to scrape them off my filter pad back into the tank.
My fuge is loaded with them.


so glad I read this tonight. I am just about ready to purchase a clean up crew through a website that inlcudes one.
Thanks for sharing.


It is amazing that they don't put a disclaimer on the packaged deal...
But there are ways to keep them if you are educated
This thread has been very informative, my lfs also advised me to get one. I didn't know all of the short and long term effects though. I will say they are very beautiful creatures and that after two months my sand sifter is still alive, I guess that means my tank has alot to clean up...Mine does come out though, even climbs the tank walls about twice aweek.