Sand Size


New Member
i will be moving my tank in a few weeks and when i started the tank i used CC and i want to change over to sand. i have been reading on here about using sand and i am seeing a few posts about the sand clouding the water with sand sifters so i would like to know which size sand grade to go with.
Fiji Pink Sand
#0 Extra Fine .5-1 mm; available in 20 lb water packed bag
Special Grade Sand
#1 Fine 1-2 mm; available in 20 lb water packed bag


New Member
Also can i use the Aragamax Sand and seed it with one of the two above or is the Aragamax Sand to fine of sand -(0.2 to 1.22 mm grain size)


the best size sand that I have used is about sugar sized but a mix is good./
as far as seeding you can seed it with any Live sand or even the LR will seed it over time.