sand star ballet???


Active Member
this morning i found my sand star on his tippy-toes, looking like he was trying out for the ballet or something
is this normal?


Active Member

Originally posted by COWFISHRULE
this morning i found my sand star on his tippy-toes, looking like he was trying out for the ballet or something
is this normal?

If he was leaning on the glass it's normal. If he was standing up by himself you were hungover! :eek:



Active Member
I pictured hin actually standing on his the shape of a star. What he did is quite cool though!

Maybe I'm hungover.



Active Member
well, im trying to kill the ammonia spike that i had
he was moving a bit before, but now he's just chillin on the surface, but flat... im nervous


Active Member

Originally posted by COWFISHRULE
well, im trying to kill the ammonia spike that i had
he was moving a bit before, but now he's just chillin on the surface, but flat... im nervous

Flat on the surface!?.....A sandstar? Sorry COWFISH, that's not good. :nope:


Active Member
he's usually flat on the surface when he's moving, but once he finds a spot, he digs in...
i went out to eat, and he moved across the tank, but he's just chillin on the surface again...


:notsure: When you say the surface, I hope you mean the surface of the substrate. Not the water surface!


Active Member
yes, substrate
last nite, he decided to bury him self again (as normal)
this morning, he was in a funky position, but when i went to fish out another dead fish :)mad: :mad: ), he moved and is acting normal again