sand turning brown


Hey guys,
I just moved my tank and redid all the water. I used 100% distilled water. My sand has started to turn a brown color on the top. Also the sides have begun to turn brown. I had this problem before really bad but it was because I used tap water... this time I used all distilled... why is it still doing this? And if so how do I make it so that it stops?


i have the same problem its happening all over i considered adding to my clean up crew with some more snails and im getting a sand starfish also


Active Member
The brown is just a type of algae that is the lowest on the totem pole, give it time for the tank to cycle. It starts out brown, then goes to green, then to the desirable purple, red but not slimey, or pink. Relax, and let the tank do its thing. Regardless of what type of water you use it does the same thing, just in what degree. Obvious, if tap is used, all sorts of problems come from this. Just chill, and wait it out. Completely normal.