

New Member
ok, i have the salt and water mixed in the tank. the waters at 79 degrees, and the power heads have been going for 24 hours. when i add the sand do i just shut everything off till the sand settles. i have 60 lbs sugar grain aragonite, and 20lbs aragalive live sand, should i add the live sand later or all at the same time. thanks


There have been previous postings about the order in which to add the sand. Regular sand goes down first, then live sand on top. I think I remember people saying to turn off the equipment first when laying the sand. The tank will get cloudy regardless. But then turn them on. It should clear up. I dont know how long after though.


the best way i have heard of or seen it done is to
1. put in your sand
2. put down some NEW plastic trash bags over the sand
3. slowly pour in the water til full
4. slowly pull out the bags so that the water isnt so cloudy
5. pour in live sand evenly
6. let stand for about 8-10 hours then turn on power heads