sandy like white spot


New Member
I have recently set up a tank. Purchased a strawberry pseudo. to begin cycle. Live rock doing extremly well, some coral. Noticed a granular spec on top fin of fish. Very active fish. Should I be alarmed? Thanks---Bob DeRiggi


Staff member
bderiggi, Welcome to!
You should always be alarmed when you don't quarantine new fish before introducing it to your display. Fish do carry parasites from the wild, and it is always a very good idea to take care of the parasites before introducing the fish [with its parasites] to your tank.
Also, it is really not necessary or a good idea to place a fish in a cycling a tank. A new tank will cycle very well with LR.
Is this just a single parasite? Or are you seeing more by now? You really can't treat parasites in a display tank.