My wife's porc puffer and 2 clarkii clowns have ich. After reading the FAQ i've come up with this plan of attack. Let me know if my thinking is flawed.
Remove 15g of water from display tank and add to a 15g QT tank.
I will use a power filter that has been running on a rock curing tank for last 2 weeks to filter the QT.
I will also put in a small powerhead and heater.
Then catch (easier said than done) the fish and place in QT.
Lower the salinity during next 48hrs to hypo conditions.
Treat fish with hypo for 3 weeks.
Raise salinity during 4th week.
After 4 weeks reacclimate fish to display tank.
Hope it never happens again.
This is the first time I will have attempted to treat marine ich. I like the idea of hypo-salinity instead of meds since I tried treating my daughter's freshwater fish with meds for ich and killed them all.
Remove 15g of water from display tank and add to a 15g QT tank.
I will use a power filter that has been running on a rock curing tank for last 2 weeks to filter the QT.
I will also put in a small powerhead and heater.
Then catch (easier said than done) the fish and place in QT.
Lower the salinity during next 48hrs to hypo conditions.
Treat fish with hypo for 3 weeks.
Raise salinity during 4th week.
After 4 weeks reacclimate fish to display tank.
Hope it never happens again.
This is the first time I will have attempted to treat marine ich. I like the idea of hypo-salinity instead of meds since I tried treating my daughter's freshwater fish with meds for ich and killed them all.