Sanity check


My wife's porc puffer and 2 clarkii clowns have ich. After reading the FAQ i've come up with this plan of attack. Let me know if my thinking is flawed.
Remove 15g of water from display tank and add to a 15g QT tank.
I will use a power filter that has been running on a rock curing tank for last 2 weeks to filter the QT.
I will also put in a small powerhead and heater.
Then catch (easier said than done) the fish and place in QT.
Lower the salinity during next 48hrs to hypo conditions.
Treat fish with hypo for 3 weeks.
Raise salinity during 4th week.
After 4 weeks reacclimate fish to display tank.
Hope it never happens again.
This is the first time I will have attempted to treat marine ich. I like the idea of hypo-salinity instead of meds since I tried treating my daughter's freshwater fish with meds for ich and killed them all.


Active Member
The plan sounds like I good idea. I would just suggest a couple of changes.
I would maintain hypo for 3 weeks after all signs of ich have disappeared. Then slowly raise the salinity.
Using the filter from the LR tank is a good idea, but I would still keep a very close eye on water params. 15G is a small tank, and water quality could easily get out of controll. How big are the fish that your putting in there? You may still get s mini cycle. Also I would suggest cutting the feedings back initially until the tank settles in.
You may also want to put a couple of peices of PVC in to provide some hiding places for the fish.


Thanks Stacy. The puffer is small <3in but the clarkii are 2in and 3in. I'm a little worried about putting them all in the 15g, but its the only spare tank i have since I'm curing rock in the 30g. I'll add some pvc and watch the water params closely.


Staff member
Add a bit of substrate from your main tank to the QT for biological seeding. Remember to buffer your freshwater before adding it to the QT duing the hypo process, then test for pH daily during hypo.