Sapphire Skimmer


I just got a sapphire protein skimmer for my 24g aquapod. It didn't come with instructions so I hope I put it together right . Does anyone else have one , it's been going for 1 week and I have'nt had to empty it yet. Nothing but clear water is collecting in the cup. Anybody have any ideas. It's on my qt which has one fish in now


I'm unfamiliar with that skimmer, but does it have a way to raise the cup or something to produce a dryer skimmate? If the tank only has 1 fish and isn't being heavily fed it might not have much to pull out either.

mpls man

Active Member
i have the NC12 sapphire on my 12 gal and works great, after a week or so it was adjusted fine, you have to adjust the cup to what you want it to skim at, a wet skim or dry.
mine has like a yellowish color to it, let me know if i can help more.
heres some pics.
