sargassum trigger


New Member

Thanks Hi im fairly new to marine/reef aquariums i have two tanks a 200 ltre and a 90 litre. In the 200 ltre i have to clowns about 3 inchs in size two yellow tail damsels, a red firefish, a bangii cardinal perpmint shrimp,fireshrimp, cleaner shrimp, boxer crab a red knobbled star fish and in regal tang in other tank waiting to go in as she go a bit of whitespot. I love the triggers and was told that a sargassum trigger would be fine in my tank by my lfs put him in two days ago he fine eating like mad anything i put in. Hes been good but i noticed him taking a nibble of the star fish and my cardinal. Any advice more than welcome will he eat my livestock.
I am aiming for a 450-500litre by summer but was goingt keep him in there for a few months and my regal tang is tiny at mo so thought it be ok for a bit. do you know much about the trgger had any experience with them? I was told he wouldnt bother anyone. Fancied a flame angel would i be better of with one of them


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by dearthm http:///t/390022/sargassum-trigger#post_3450975
Thanks Hi im fairly new to marine/reef aquariums i have two tanks a 200 ltre and a 90 litre. In the 200 ltre i have to clowns about 3 inchs in size two yellow tail damsels, a red firefish, a bangii cardinal perpmint shrimp,fireshrimp, cleaner shrimp, boxer crab a red knobbled star fish and in regal tang in other tank waiting to go in as she go a bit of whitespot. I love the triggers and was told that a sargassum trigger would be fine in my tank by my lfs put him in two days ago he fine eating like mad anything i put in. Hes been good but i noticed him taking a nibble of the star fish and my cardinal. Any advice more than welcome will he eat my livestock.
I am aiming for a 450-500litre by summer but was goingt keep him in there for a few months and my regal tang is tiny at mo so thought it be ok for a bit. do you know much about the trgger had any experience with them? I was told he wouldnt bother anyone. Fancied a flame angel would i be better of with one of them
Hi and welcome to the site....I don't know much about the fish you are asking about. Mostly I wanted to say HELLO!


Just to be sure, when you say "sargassum trigger", are you referring to Xanthichys ringens? I just want to be sure that somebody hasn't listed Chaetodermis pencilligerus (tasselated filefish) as a trigger.
A 132 gal (500 l) setup will be on the hairy edge of small, but it's doable for this fish with the proper aquascaping. Xanthichtys sp.
triggers are pelagic planktivores that are big swimmers, so it will need some room.
If you're referring to the filefish, it will fit into the tank as well, but will be more prone to pick at inverts and tankmates, esp. the more sedentary critters.


also if you are talking about the trigger, he may just be showing signs of dominance in the tank especially with the tank being so small...
once you get the larger tank e should be fine... and of course you could always switch him out with the angel but if you have any corals they might not be safe..