Sat night pics


Active Member
And if Rye or Guy looks....I'm getting better with the new camera:D Oh I just thought is this stuff supposed to go on the photography forum now? A mod can move if they want.:D

nm reef

Active Member
Very nice selection of pics...thanks for feeding my eye-candy needs for the night!!
Myself I would think "questions" in regard to photography would go to the new forum...but personally I kind of like our reef forums "look at my corals" threads. Heck I opened a 6-pac last night and we had a fine little party going. Speaking of...where were could have joined in?:cool:


Active Member
Sorry I missed last night. Had things to do with real life friends who don't have tanks. What was I thinking?:rolleyes:


Active Member
Wrassecal, BEUTIFUL!! Very impressive.. Hey I like those blue shrooms.. How old are they, and how many were there when you got em?..

Active Member
super pics!!!! what saterday night-sunday morning a coke,bag of dorito's and ws pics what a life.


Active Member
Thanks. My tank is going through one of those periods where everything just looks wonderful. You know how sometimes it does and sometmes it doesn't. The scary thing is the 135 is here, hubby is building the stand and eveythings gettin moved pretty soon. Here's the whole 55 gal. It looks so full but in the 135 going to look pretty skimpy.


Active Member
fishkiller - the blue shrooms aren't all the way out in the pic. They are the ones that spilled their guts a couple weeks ago for some unknown reason. I thought they were going to die but they are hearty. They are the ones that look more purple when they are really spread out. They multiply like crazy- I've found little ones in places all over the tank. I've had them about 6 months.


What are you using for lighting?? I really like your tank!! I also have a 55 thats why I am asking!!


Active Member
I have 440 watts vho. I bought the hello lights retro. 2 are 03 actinic and 2 are daylight. I have 125 lbs of lr in that tank and a 4 - 5 inch dsb. My tang is going to be so excited to get her new 135 gal home and some free swimming room!
Thanks jumpfrog. I may have that fancy camera finally figured out.


Active Member
Here's the same shrooms different view. They are expanded more today. For some reason all the fish wanted in on the pic too:D