Saturday Night 10-Pack!


Active Member
I ran out of is one of me. :D This is what the fish are seeing from inside the tank.


Active Member
hey you have some very nice corals and sweet pics as always, i was wondering if you could post some pics of your tank setups and full tank shots? thanx


Awesome pics Ryan, as usual. I agree with nicky, you and some of the other sharks should post some pics of your tanks and setups. So many people post threads about how to set up tanks and sumps. Seeing what to do from people who have been there and done that and have made the right decisions (after making mistakes of course) would really help so many people, myself included. It might even get people to think about their setup diferently and make things more efficient. I know that I would really appreciate any kind of input you or any of the other more experienced guys would give us "lesser" reefers. I and many others look forward to more great pics from you. Good Luck!
Oh, by the way, if you ever want to trade some things for those blue or orange zoos, drop me a line and I might be able to give you something to make it worth your while ;)


Active Member
Hey guys.........thanks for all of the kind responses.
Notice anything about those photos?? They are all single subject shots. That's because it's much easier to make your tank look nice when you take a photo of just one coral or fish at a time! ;) I personally am not too terribly proud of my tank yet. I am giving it time to grow and mature into a better system.
As far as the experienced comments........I am one of the newbies on the board. I have only been in this hobby for about two years now and I don't know a fraction of what many other members here know about reefkeeping. I come here everyday to learn and share ideas just as you do. :)
I don't really have any full tank shots that I like too well, but here is one of my 29g reef as of about a year ago:


Hey Rye, is that a Fox coral near the bottom of your tank?? That is awesome, I have never seen them in that shape before. And thanks for the tip on pics. Maybe if I stick to just one specimen my tank will look a lot nicer to everyone.:)


Active Member
Here is a full shot of my 120 about four months doesn't look much like that anymore though. I will post more full shot pics once I am proud of something. ;)