Really? I didn't know that.
I am getting MH by the end of the month and plan on getting a clam.
Maybe I could put the conch in my fuge once I get it set up.
I already had to put the brain up on the rocks because the conch kept climbing over it.
Is this true? I have lost 3 clams for unknown reasons and I have 4 conches. I have never heard that a conch could kill a clam.
i watched my crown conch eat my crocea clam but it was too late byt he time ic aught him! there is also another thread on here about concha eating a clam. IMO i will never trust one in a reef setup ever again!
I am trading my conch tomorrow.
It always trashes anything that is in the sand bed and I am getting another clam and want to place it in the sand bed so............bye bye conch.