Saturday night 6 pack


Active Member
It has finally warmed up here on the east coast and I was feeling a little thirsty! I hope you are too!:)
Royal Gramma


Active Member
#3 This is the Acropora Yongei that I nearly killed under PC lighting. It is continuing to come back under metal halides!

nm reef

Active Member
I was building a big thirst but those pics took care of it.....many more and I'll be off on a 6 day bender!!!!
I really like the coloration of the a frag for me ...if I ever develope the proper lighting.
Outstanding stuff...thats for providing the 6-pac...:cool:

yosemite sam

Active Member
Wow, great pictures! I can't wait until my 125 gallon is up a running again. I hope by that time you have some extra frags lying around!:D


Active Member
Yosemite Sam,
Thank you very much! Some days it seems like these things don't grow at all but when I go back and look at pics from a month or two ago they are growing. Hopefully I'll get to the point where I can frag befor too long. Occasionally I'll have an accident in the tank hence that last Blue Staghorn pic. It used to be attached to the nub on the left side of this picture below.
Thank you! Here in MD. until the last week or so it has rained every weekend for 2 months (usually both day and has been in the 60s! We are very ready for sunny and the 90s up here!:cool:
Thanks as always! I have kind of had a thought in the back of my mind that that might be a Yongei but it has kind of an odd shape sort of like a Formosa and it is a little light in color. I am intrested to see how it turns out but it is a very slow grower so it is making me wait! Thanks again and take care!


Active Member
It has been down right depressing up here due to the weather! Trust me you don't want what we have been having!
Thank you! Please post it when it when you have it acclimated! I love Tables!


I do not think I have seen better pics in a hell of a long time...but come on folks, talk about the animals instead of the comes my accusers...sorry gotta go.


Active Member
Attml, looking good man. In case I missed it elsewhere, how old is your tank?
You have some nice growth, and natural spreading in there. I dig it. :cool: