Saving A Fish from the LFS


Ok now just to show how incompetant my LFS is, they only have 3 salt tanks all of which are just 30 Gallons. The woman incharge doesn't know her ass from her elbow and I've tried so many times to help this woman but she is so damn stubborn. She keeps UG filters in all the tanks and runs them. The substrate is cc so no benifitial advantage from having live sand, but on top of that she does 50% water changes every two days and wonders why her readings are all off. She also orders fish that are way to large for her tanks and no one buys them so they just get cramped and suffer until they die. I was down there today and noticed a green bird wrasse, breathing so heavily beak turning red, looked awful. He's about 6-7in and I just couldn't let him suffer in there, he's now in my 125 with his g/f the brown bird wrasse loving every second. It just makes me so upset that people don't care about these animals.


Active Member
Well, hats off to you for helping the fish!
Unfortunately, it happens all too often that LFS owners/personnel don't really know enough about the hobby...
I use UGF and
Just to make a point, CC can hold the same bacteria that a DSB can there just isn't as much surface area. The biggest problem with CC is that it traps diteris and food that can turn in to nitrates. DSB are not the only substrates that work. Heck, some people use no substrate at all. Just had to make that point!!
Now the water changes and the cramped conditions are a different story all together..
It is true that many business owners, sadly, have no idea how to care for marine fish. They treat them like FW fish.


Active Member
Hey Maroon
I have UGF and CC also. I live in the UK and no one had heard of a DSB here.
I often feel like a second class citizen (or fishkeeper) because of the way people feel about UGF.
The biggest complaint I here is that they are nitrate factories. Which has some truth, but only if you let them go out of control with no maintenance. They might take a little more work to be successful, but so be it. People can be hard on those who use
CC and UGF, but if it works, why worry about it. I am not changing anytime soon.
CC does have one advantage, IMO, that is a constant source of CA. Maybe not a lot, but it can't hurt.
There are issues with both CC and DSB, and thats all they are is issues. NO major problems either way as far as I can tell.