Ok now just to show how incompetant my LFS is, they only have 3 salt tanks all of which are just 30 Gallons. The woman incharge doesn't know her ass from her elbow and I've tried so many times to help this woman but she is so damn stubborn. She keeps UG filters in all the tanks and runs them. The substrate is cc so no benifitial advantage from having live sand, but on top of that she does 50% water changes every two days and wonders why her readings are all off. She also orders fish that are way to large for her tanks and no one buys them so they just get cramped and suffer until they die. I was down there today and noticed a green bird wrasse, breathing so heavily beak turning red, looked awful. He's about 6-7in and I just couldn't let him suffer in there, he's now in my 125 with his g/f the brown bird wrasse loving every second. It just makes me so upset that people don't care about these animals.