Saving Coralean Algae during move


New Member
I'm moving an established 180 gal reef tank tomorrow about 10 miles. Been running for about 2 years, with LR, LS, Corals, Fish, Inverts, etc.
I would like to save the nice purple coralean algae that grows on the back of the tank. Any pros and cons to this? After I completely empty the tank, I was thinking of plastering the side of the tank with wet newspapers to keep it wet during the move. If it does 'die' (assuming it's alive?) should I anticipate a quick cycle? Better off to just scrape it clean and start fresh?
ps -- I'll post full details on the move Sunday for archival purposes!


I really don't think you need to worry about the corraline, just keep it damp and it should be fine. Think about how much of the stuff survives in a dark damp box for a two day journey before the brown truck brings it to the door.


when you move the tank take a bath towel and wet it with some of your tank water and drape it over the back wall, this will stay wet longer than paper and is easy to attach to the tank, just use some gator clips, those black clips from any office will do.:)