Saving my Precious coral...

i forget the name of this coral it has two heads, this piece was pretty expensive.. well for me
my camel shrimp well my ex camel shrimp was on a rampage he destroyed my sensitive coral
until i finally caught him. this coral here was destroyed really bad it stopped opening for a straight month and he ate most of it, ill put it this way if he was picking at a human body all he woulda left was a leg, thats how bad the damage was. this coral here was pretty and when its open it looked like 2 giant zoas but the tips were bubbly like bubble coreal real nice. he completely destroyed it but today i noticed its opening slowly but its badly damaged and this pic i have is the coral opening to its max right now its recovering if u look closely u can see its lil tips all together inside in the middle... and thats all he opens it doesnt look like a coral at all just looks like something dying.. how long until it comes all back? does any1 have an idea, it was gettn big in my tank but shrimp ate it up. sorry i wrote this long story but if your a coral lover ull understand when u see ur rare pieces gettin ate is no fun...the shrimp has been gone for 3 days. ""dont ever buy a camel shrimp" a complete pain..
ill post a pic everyweek on its progress and how its coming along, lfs said throw it out but i didnt i kept it and i see it coming back it has it in him to fight back


I cant wait to watch it come back!! I have faith that it will. Im sorry you lost it to begin with
thank goodness you didnt give up on it


Active Member
I thought it looked like a candy cane too. Your candy cane do look good!! (not that I want to eat it.
Now I want some candy and I don't have any.

Good luck with your little guy.
zoie i just fraggd my candy a second ago i clipped 2 dead ends and i clipped one end that wasnt getting any light so i have 1 head that i placed somewhere else, hasnt opened yet still stunned ill post pics for u later ill give u frags if any1 is local in los angeles lol
i posted this pic on 2/19/2009, i talked to the guy at the lfs he said it will be around 6 months until hes fully healed, sheesh since i upgraded my lights the coral respond much better they are much brighter and they r just lookin really good. even my damaged piece looks like hes responding better(pic on bottom), it pops out more but since its been abused pretty bad it seems scared?? iono. but the 4.36lightin upgrade for biocube 29 is a good buy good price but donot buy the fan upgrade waste of money and new1s r loud an annoying i discarded them an kept my old ones, kinda difficult to install but simple? get what im saying, sometimes it got difficult sometimes it was an ease. it comes with a new heatshield but i drilled holes in my old one to keep the old heatshield above the new one, reason why is because the new heatshield they supply is nothing but aluminum sheet metal not good for reflecting light. i will be adding tons of coral next week ill post a pic of what i have now and the new pieces im going to get :). but if your planning on spending money and dont want to spend the big bucks go for the 4.36 lighting upgrade at nanotuner u can place almost any coral but u have to place them very high if they need intense lighting but all your softies will do great low-med light coral will do great. but intense light coral may be a 50/50 chance they survive up high on the rocks.