Saw a Dog Fish and I want one..Are they reef safe? need help on caring for one.......


i really want a dog fish now.... but don't have a clue if there are any special habits, temperatures, foods or anything like that. Right now I only have lr, ls, sponge, peppermint shrimp. I want to make it a reef... are dogfish reef safe????????????/


They are deffinetly not reef safe. Before you can say oh no it will have ripped up your sponge. Anyway, Tey like temps 75-79f. They are brakish or saltwater. They eat shrimp squid and other meaty foods. They are semi-agressive.


How sad... I really wanted one too..... oh well......thanks for the help before I destroy what I already have..:D


I did not know that they were also brakish and saltwater? I see them at my lfs and they always have them in saltwater. What is the salinity of the brakish water they need? Also can you use the same salt to make a brakish water tank as a saltwater tank? Or do you use the other kind of salt that is recommended to put a bit in a fresh water tank?