Say hello to my future reef keeper


Active Member

soon all the household chores will be his and you can sit around staring at your tank.....


Active Member
Beautiful baby! Mine are 11, 9 and 5 now, but I can still vividly remember bringing them all home.


Active Member
I still remember bringning my first one home. Putting him in his car seat of the sofa and then after a minute going, OK now what do we do?! All that time and preparation and he is just sleeping.


Staff member
Congrads! I say put a net and a siphon hose in that boy's hands...might as well get him started.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Congrads! I say put a net and a siphon hose in that boy's hands...might as well get him started.

oh definetely, screw baby toys, siphon, net, feeding stick


Congrats!!! I remember the feeling. I've found I really enjoy being a dad and it's only just begun. My daughter turned 8 months yesterday.
Again congrats!!


My daughter is almost 3 now. I have had a SW tank since she turned 2. She already knows all the names of the different fish, helps feed them, feeds our eel (which she claims as her own) and holds the siphon tube when I do water changes. Its awesome!
Like mentioned above, get the hoses in the hand and get him started young.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cagRN
My daughter is almost 3 now. I have had a SW tank since she turned 2. She already knows all the names of the different fish, helps feed them, feeds our eel (which she claims as her own) and holds the siphon tube when I do water changes. Its awesome!
Like mentioned above, get the hoses in the hand and get him started young.
and whos gonna hold the syphon hose in ten years tho? :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by compjtc
congrats. What size tank do you need for it? Can I keep one in my 55?
yes, but u will need to upgrade in about 6mos, need 6' of swimming room imo


A Special Gift
Babies are such special gifts
Sent down from God above
To fill a void within our lives
With so much joy and love
Through tender loving guidance
Teach him good from bad
The greatest words you’ll ever hear
Are “I love you mom and dad”
D. Mayhew 10-18-2006


Congrats - he is beautiful. My first baby boy will be 13 next month.....I am not ready to be the mom of a teen....specially one that is already taller than me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dina12
Congrats - he is beautiful. My first baby boy will be 13 next month.....I am not ready to be the mom of a teen....specially one that is already taller than me.
ask my mom, im baby and she only knos its fun
specially gettin me outta bed


Active Member
You will now know the meaning of "unconditional love". Welcome to Fatherhood....the best job in the world.
:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: