Say hello to my future reef keeper


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
tell him that hat is totally gangsta
You should see his pants, all of them are really baggy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Schadiest1
You should see his pants, all of them are really baggy.

ooooooh hip hop time ya'll
Congratulations! Kids are great and give great meaning to your life. When I left he hospital as a father everything was different.
I love that your a proud father. I remember seeing your avatar and thinking that when I first browsed this forum.
G/L and hope mom and baby are well! Please send the mother my regards, mothers are so deserving.


Active Member
Troy is such a strong name.
Hold him as close to your heart as you can (what a little doll!) for as long as he will let you.
I have two girls, one graduates college next month They grow up SO fast.
I have 2 questions....
What are your parameters and how did you acclimate?


Active Member
3 weeks old today. All is well with Mama and baby.
Haven't had much time for my tank though, but that's alright, it's doing well too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Schadiest1
3 weeks old today. All is well with Mama and baby.
Haven't had much time for my tank though, but that's alright, it's doing well too.
We would love to see photos, if you can!
Tell, Mama
(and Papa!) it takes you all. 'bless you!