Say hi to Fluffy



Just got Fluffy here yesterday, he's about 3 1/2". Right now he's in QT but he'll be going in a 65gal by himself soon. Once he outgrows the 65, I'll have to see. I do have a spare 125 in the shed.
btw, is there ANYTHING live I can put in with this guy? How about an eel, would Fluffy try to kill that too?



Thanks. Yeah, I didn't figure I could put anything else in. But that's ok. I got him with the idea of being the only fish in the tank.


Love the name Fluffy for your trigger!
I do believe there was a Fluffy in Harry Potter also that was rather ferocious!
I confess I know little about triggers but I think this is an undulated trigger, right? What will you feed him? Will he be aggressive with you?


Yep, Undulated Trigger. I fed him some krill this morning but triggers will eat pretty much anything. I usually feed my other triggers meaty foods like silversides, krill, shrimp, squid, plus they eat the regular food I feed my other fish. So far he doesn't seem agressive towards me. I did some cleaning in the tank this morning and he showed no interest in going after me. But new home, he's still a little shy.


Active Member
Definitely some great colors on the Fluffster!

I've seen some other fish work with an Undulated, but yea, not in a 65gal.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Definitely some great colors on the Fluffster!

I've seen some other fish work with an Undulated, but yea, not in a 65gal.
How about in a 125gal? Would any other fish survive with it?


Active Member
Hmmm.... In a 125, I would do the Undulated, a Fimbriated Eel, and a
Stocky hawkfish -- Cirrhitus pinnulatus. The Eel would have to have it's PVC tube where it's tail wouldn't constantly be nipped at. The Eel and hawk would definitely have to be intro'd first, as well. Obviously, this is far from a guarantee


Active Member
Very nice --, great fish for a 65 by himself...I actually think he will be fine for life in there. They are very slow growing and are not huge swimmers.
I looked after a Undy for a friend that traveled a lot...He cycled the tank with damsals, the undy killed all the damsals after about 3 months, he did so in one night. He had a Fimbriated Eel in with him that they tolerated....Honestly don't remember the exact gallons, a 5 foot long bowfront though. The Undy liked to move rocks infront of the eels cave just to annoy him I think


Hey guys, I was just looking at Fluffy and I noticed he has little barb spikes on his tail, sort of like tangs. Is that normal? I haven't noticed these on any of the other triggers I've had (Sargassum, Niger and Humu)


Originally Posted by RCreations
Yep, Undulated Trigger. I fed him some krill this morning but triggers will eat pretty much anything. I usually feed my other triggers meaty foods like silversides, krill, shrimp, squid, plus they eat the regular food I feed my other fish. So far he doesn't seem agressive towards me. I did some cleaning in the tank this morning and he showed no interest in going after me. But new home, he's still a little shy.
hey nice undy,
i have little teeth/bite marks all over my hand from my undy because when i put my hand i my tank it to clean it, it seems to tick him off or something, so he goes after my hand


Fluffy seemed bored in the QT yesterday so I got him a couple of clams. He spent pretty much the whole day trying to open them.
Did manage to crack one. I think I'll open that one for him today.


Active Member
Nice looking undy! I have been intending on setting up an undy tank with a spare 75 I have, and after about 6 months I got around to it, and the the 75 which was freshwater sprung a leak before I was going to change it to salt. I am in the process of getting another tank, this is one fish I really want to try for a species tank.


It's definitely worth it. This has to be one of the coolest fish I've seen, very smart. He's ALWAYS alert, like even when one of my dogs go in that room, the undy follows the dog and is looking at everything he does. None of my other fish even notice when the dogs are around the tank. Awesome fish!


I had one exactly like that! My dog and he would have have a staring contest all day. By the way, good luck with Fluffy!


--, that is a cool looking fish. I assume that the 65 and 125 that you are talking about is not with your other fish. Right? They are mean trigs. I hope that you know what you are doing.