SB Fish


Active Member
So far, I have compiled the following list of fish for my tank, a 75G Reef. I have 400 lbs of SD in my system, but that is distributed between the Main Tank, the Refugium, and the 20G QT. However, the DSB is roughly 5". The tank also contains about 225 lbs of LR, but this is also distributed between the tanks, but I know for sure that the tank has 200 lbs itself. For fish I have planned the following list.
  • Kole or Yellow Tang
  • Coral Beauty
  • 2 Common Clowns
    2 Firefish
    A Mandarin In A Year Or So
I'm not sure if I should get any fish such as an Engineer Goby, Twin-Stripe Goby, etc, to turn over the SB or not. If I need one, which should I get that won't disturb any of the fish on the list?


Active Member
You do not need ot turn over the sand.
I like the engineers, personally.
go for the koles, I like them better and they are not teh same tang your buddies will all have either.


Active Member
Sounds like a good list. I personally like Koles better as well, but both tangs are nice fish. For you DSB to function properly, it needs to be slowly airiated. I have found that Narssarius snails and bristle worms do a great job of this. Bristle worms typically come in quality LR. Nars snails can be purchased from many on-line retaillers and some LFS do carry them. They are small and cheap so you can get away with quite a few of them. They are scavengers that burry themselves in the sand. When they smell food, out they come - it's neat to watch.