

New Member
For anyone that hasn't tried a scallop, they add some great color to the tank. Canon Rebel XT.


Active Member
Just wondering how long have you had your tank up? Also do you have any fish in there and is there alot of hiding places for it?


New Member
The tank's(65 gal - DSB w/refrugium) been up about 10 months and is very well balanced. We put the scallop in about a month ago and have not had any issues, though it is pretty large and no one has appeared to want to mess with it. We have a variety of relatively docile fish(all small - pair of true Percula Clowns, an algae Blenny, Domino Damsel, Blue Damsel, Kaudern's Cardinal , and a two Neon Blue Gobies, plus a Black Angler.... just kidding
) and have been careful not to have anything too agressive...and of course a pretty complete clean-up crew. We do have a fairly large bittle star(which ate a clam we had) we were a bit worried about, but so far it hasn't bothered the scallop. We did have an incident with the scallop when a hermit crab wandered too close to it and it clamped down and wouldn't let go, but it finally loosened up a bit and the crap scampered off.


Active Member
Here is a little info on them i think everything in you tank may take a bite out of it and stress it out. But maybe its big enough that it will be left alone. Also thts good that is been in there for a while but has it been on the sand the whole time?
Electric Scallop - Lima species
Also known as: Electric Eye (Flashing) Scallop
Color: The Electric Scallop has a red, pink, tan color.
Size: The Electric Scallop may grow to 5 inches.
Diet: Planktivore.
Feeding: It likes to eat Phytoplankton.
Behavior: The Lima species is generally peaceful toward other tankmates.
Care: Many consider the Lima species a high-maintenance specimen. Not venomous.
Lighting: Has strong lighting needs.Symbiotic algae zooxanthellae are hosted within this organism.
Water flow: The Electric Eye (Flashing) Scallop requires intermediate water flow.
General notes: The Electric Scallop is a difficult to maintain but rewarding addition to a reef system. The 'lightning' flashes are actually a membrane in the scallops mantle that is a striking blue and gives the appearance that the clam actually has electrical current flowing through it's mouth! The Electric Scallop requires daily feedings of phytoplankton which are best target fed with all circulation stopped to ensure it gets enough. Best kept in well established aquarium. Does not appreciate high current. Can be nipped and harassed by clown gobies, blennies, shrimp, and most Angelfish and Butterfly fish. Will move to where it feels comfortable like a ledge or cave. Repeated attempts to move back into the light may cause animal distress.
Water parameters: Keep water quality high (SG 1.023 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).
Well i hope this info help i get alot of good info off this site let me know if you need anym more


New Member
Thanks for the info. We read up quite a bit on them before adding it. I think the tank fits the suggested parameters pretty well, and so far so good. It has not moved much, and yes, it has been on the sand pretty much all the time. No one has picked on it at all at this point. The fish leave it totally alone, and we also have a cleaner shrimp and fire shrimp and they too leave it alone. It's about 3 1/2", so I think it's probably big enough to look pretty unattractive to them.


Active Member
how often do you feed it? I do really really hope you keep it alive, maybe your experience can help us understand how to keep em? What do you feed em? sorry, just curious.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Littlebuck
Here is a little info on them i think everything in you tank may take a bite out of it and stress it out. But maybe its big enough that it will be left alone. Also thts good that is been in there for a while but has it been on the sand the whole time?
Lighting: Has strong lighting needs.Symbiotic algae zooxanthellae are hosted within this organism.
i dont know where you found that info littlebuck, but these creatures are nonphotosynthetic........ But please serch google for a person called rob toonen. you will find an amazing article on flame scollaps that will help you keep this animal as long as possible, for they often starve to death.


I think I know where they found the info, and if I am right they are notorious for giving out wrong info. They claim you can spot feed a blue linckia when it's not eating the detritus from the bottum of your tank too. :mad:
If it's those stinkin' doc's, just erase that from your favorites cause they lie!
If it's not them stinkin' doc's then disreguard this whole post.


Active Member
naw, i knew it wasnt the site run by two doctors because at one point i wanted to get one of these until i realized how low their survival rate is. But i read the info there and it was different than this.


AAAHHH!! I cut and copied this part Electric Scallop - Lima species and put it into my search engine. I found where the info came from and I can't believe it!! They are usually better at posting info. I'm gonna call somebody tomorrow!! Crap, tomorrow is Sunday... Now I gotta sit on this for a whole day!
All else looks Ok, but fishieness is right, flames don't have any lighting requirements.
Pretty flame though!


Active Member
Well i appricaet your help with them not posting alot of correct info. I use that site quite a bit and has never done me wrong so far but i guess from now on i will have to do more then look there. I would liek to think is some place posted info on items it would be 100% correct but i guess you can never tell but thats why everyone around here helps greatly. I appricate you info Thank you.