Scared of the Eel, need some help picking tankmates


New Member
Hey guys,
my 90g tank finally cycled and eels are so hardy that I went ahead and got the one that I want figuring it might put a good load on the bacteria and it if the tank levels spiked he could survive it, but in a few weeks/mths I will be adding a few fish, so here are some questions and also if anyone could give me some good combinations from EXPERIENCE with the fimbriated/yellow headed moray it would be appreciated.
I was thinking about the fimbriated moray, 2 porcupine puffers, picasso trigger fish and a rabbit fish, bad idea? I would love to have some clownfish, but figured they would get eaten.
Also If I keep the eel fed well ( I buy frozen cocktail shrimp, is this bad?) will he be less likely to attack my other fish? My Brackish eel is somewhat docile and would eat the mollys but wont touch my smaller puffers.
the LFS told me their employee had him before he left for college and since taking him in they put him in with a couple damsels which he never bothered over the course of a whole mth. Hes pretty shy and seems to want attention when someone walks by him, he may be more docile than most, but he' still an animal, just wondering what my dangers are, thanks!


New Member
Originally Posted by ric maniac
What size tank? That will help determine if that bioload would be to much.
A 90 Gallon running a 1200 & 800gph powerhead, 270 gph Eheim proII canister, and Red sea Prizm Deluxe Protein skimmer


a fimby eel with livestock is risky. and i dont think the skimmer will support a eel and 2 porcs in a 90.


"Also If I keep the eel fed well ( I buy frozen cocktail shrimp, is this bad?) "
If these cocktail shrimp are pre-cooked they probably aren't too nutritious. You should get raw ones.


I used to give my Fim Raw shrimp, scallops, squid (calamari), fish flesh (I eat a lot of fish, so I would cut him off pieces (cod, sole, pollock, roughy, etc). He was a great eel and would eat like a pig, and never bothered anyone the first 6 weeks or so, then I started noticing at night, no matter how well fed he was, fish would disappear!! Damsels, Pygmy angels, stuff I should never have had him in with! All my fault!
Just a warning. These guys are fish eating machines!!!!
Also, a 90 gallon is too small for two porcupines! IMO


Active Member
a fribrated eel is going to eventually eat your fish . In all honesty a 90 gallon tank is too small to keep the puffer and trigger in with any larger eel . bio load will become over whelming . I would honestly stick with just the eel. And the frozen cocktail shrimp are cooked and that means a lot of the nutritonal value has been cooked out of them . Try the raw shrimp from the fish counter . A lot better in my opinion .