Scared True Perc question...PLZ


New Member
I have a True Perc that I've had for about 2 weeks now. Today I added a small Hippo Tang and a Yellow Tang. He seems to be terrified of his new friends. Every time they come near he swims away as fast has he can and sometimes tries to hide under some LR. Is this normal in the wild?, are they natural enemies or does he just need time to get used to them. I find it odd because he has already been in the tank for a while.
Also on my LR I seem to have 3 Curly-Q's but I'm not sure. I will attach a pix to see if anyone has any id suggestions. Thanks.


Active Member
Are they ALOT bigger than him or have the shown any aggression to the clown? He could just be shy. Give him a couple days. Just make sure he eats while things adjust....
btw no they are not enemies at all


New Member
Actually, he's the same size as the Hippo. But he is having no problems eating. Hopefully this is just a temp. thing.
are they in your 55 gallon? IMO that is just too small for those tangs. tangs are agressive especially in such a small tank. Your perc could be getting beat up by one of the tangs and that might give him a reason to be afraid.


Active Member
Thats certainly possible but a dominance will eventually be established between the fish and most of the time its peacefully. I would be careful adding a new fish if the tangs have been in there a while especially the yellow. Don't worry about the clown so long as he is eating and you don't notice torn fins or cuts on his body. Until it reaches that point its harmless chasing.