Scarlet Hermit Chomps Torch Coral


Purchased 5 headed Torch Coral and noticed that it was slowly disappearing. Every 3 nights or so, another head would disappear. Last night, I stayed up after the lights went out and noticed that small scarlet crabs chomping down on another part of the Torch. I was pretty pissed... just thought that I'd share my findings...

kris walker

Active Member
Sorry to hear Chris. I too had similar problems before I returned all my scarlets to the lfs out of frustration (they were muchin my green star polyps if I remember correctly).
Just one thing, you might consider feeding your hermits a little rather than letting them be total scavengers. If there isn't food to scavenge, any crab will have to find something else to eat (even if it doesn't taste good).


So far from following the progress and failures in my tank I've noticed the hermits, cleaner shrimp and starfish only doing their jobs. They have never scavenged on anything healthy in my tank. The only time I've seen them actively munching on something is when it's dying(a damaged brain during shipping and a baby clam that didn't make it). I believe these creatures can smell or taste when an animal is dying and take advantage of a free meal. It's upsetting to witness but I don't think they should be blamed for it entirely.