Scarlet Hermits Dying



PH 8.4
SG 1.022
Ammonia (NH3/NH4) 0.0
Nitrite (NO2) 0.0
Nitrate (NO3) 0.1
Temp. 80*F
I do a 20% water change every 21 days.
The tank (75g) has minimal Bio load (2 clowns and
1 Yellow Tang)
2 medium clowns and a medium green star
polyp colony. 2 fire fish and yellow polyps
I only feed them twice a week (they are fat and healthy)
I recently (2 weeks ago) purchased a “reef cleaner” pack
consisting of:
20 Turbo’s
20 Dwarf Hermits
20 Scarlet Hermits
3 Emerald crabs.
Nearly all the Scarlet Hermits have died. Starting from the
First day now there are about 5 left.
There is a bunch of algae for them all to eat, so it’s not
starvation. (Hair, Caulerpa etc…) plus I feed the tang extra
dried algae and none of the crabs seem interested in it.
Everything else in the tank seems happy and healthy, all are
eating well.
Is there something that they are sensitive to that I should
test for? I currently only test for the above 4 things…
plus Phosphate.(0.0).
Current Tanks: 75g Oceanic Reef, "rock pool"
Interests: Aquariums, PC's


No... and they remain intact.... not ripped apart.
like they just "die in their sleep" ;)
Yes I know about blue leg hermits killing things to get at their
shells... I don't think this is it though.

sea goblin

are you sure that they are dead, and havent just molted? The molt will look very much like that actual critter because, was him untill he shed it off. Are the shells empty now? can you even find all the shells? If ths shells are nowhere to be seen then i would guess that they shed tho old skin, and have went to a safe hiding place for the new carapace to harden.
Sea Goblin



Originally posted by Sea Goblin
are you sure that they are dead, and havent just molted?
Sea Goblin

Nope there dead, sure enough. There are still about 4 left that
seem to be okay(so far)
I'm beginning to think that what CheerFlip1 suggests is true.
Maybe the shipping did them some form of damage??
Anyhow I'll give it some time then try again with a fresh batch.
Maybe only 5 or so, just to see if they survive or not. :confused:



Originally posted by cboyfan2020
Mass Suicide?:confused:

;) hehe - I know my tank is not the greatest... but suicide??


I am currently having the same problem with my Scarlets I ordered from SWF.
I ordered 25 and now I only have about 10. They all died in a week, but of course AFTER the 6 day guarantee was up!
And we're talking DEAD! Hermit parts and empty shells everywhere!
It has become very painful to do a daily headcount. It is now easier to count the empty shells :(
Everyone else is doing great!
I think MudShark and I deserve a refund for the bum Hermit batch we got!!



Originally posted by brianrish
I am currently having the same problem with my Scarlets I ordered from SWF.
I think MudShark and I deserve a refund for the bum Hermit batch we got!!

me too.... I have 4 left now, but they seem to be doing okay.
2 of them molted last night and are doing fine today. Maybe the
dying is over.... I started out with 20.... now down to 4.


Unless I'm blind in one eye and can't see out of the other not one word about alkalinity or calcium. If very low this could be a danger to your inverts. So
What are your alkalinity and calcium levels?


Hmm, the blue legged hermits will kill the red scarlets? My red scarlets are 3 times bigger than the blue legged ones but a large bulk of my crabs are MIA unless they are behind the LR. This is a newly cycled tank and I was thinking maybe I had a unwanted stowaway in my live rock or live sand.



Originally posted by Thomas712
Unless I'm blind in one eye and can't see out of the other not one word about alkalinity or calcium. If very low this could be a danger to your inverts. So
What are your alkalinity and calcium levels?

No Idea... PH is good though and 20% water change every 21 days or so
see first post....
plus over 20 other inverts in the tank some for a long time and
none of the others are having any problems. The tank is about
a year old now and rock solid..... I dose calcium at the opposite
end of the water change cycle (kent) 8ml - once. and 8ml of iodine
once evey second calcium dose. I have the healthiest coraline
algae in the world and everything else is growing well.....
go to my web page and see the tank.


Wow! realy cool stuff.... you gotta have guts to do that.
I would break my neck if I ever tried anything like that..... well
mostly because I'm too old now ;)


After having an eventfull youth of Motocross and off road racing
I now keep my obsessions to calm things like Custom building PC's
and Aquariums..... this way it's a lot harder to break bones ;)