scarlet w/o its shell!


well, the strangest thing just happened!
i just recently replenished my clean-up crew which included 20 scarlets (i have five bluelegs) a few days ago. today as i was feeding i saw one of my bluelegs in an new shell (which I know to be one of my biggest scarlets).
i looked around the tank for a dead scarlet and sure enough, there he was. except he wasn't dead! I stuck my hand in to make sure and he scurried behind a rock. its the weirdest thing i've ever seen. i've NEVER seen a red or blueleg alive w/o its shell. i always thought it had other legs sort of stuck back into the shell, but it doesnt. just a little round stub of a body. kind of like "the hand" on the adams family.
so, i put a few empty shells around him and hopefully he will crawl in! has anyone else seen a crab w/o its shell... AND have seen it survive? is it unusual?


Active Member
I seen my 1 crab out of its shell as it was transfering to another shell (empty) and then back to its orginal shell (I was shocked too, looked different then I thought it would). Glad you added shells, but, IMO, you should always have a variety of shells tucked away in the tank, just incase. Hope all goes well.