scary, furry little bugger! id please


New Member
I got a bunch of live rock a week ago. After 2 days, I realized that I have 2 crabs. The one hides all the time and I cant get a pics. He is black with pointeyer pinchers and red eyes. This guy is out all the time. He is black and extremely hairy (all over his body, not just his legs.) I see him scraping algea off the rock and eating it. I did a bunch of searches, but cant find what type he is. I'm guessing that the dull pointed pinchers and eating of algea means that he's safe. I'm a little skepticle of the other guy though. Anyone know what type this one is and if hes safe? I also have a couple of white tubes on the live rock. They are aprox. 1/4" diameter, 1/2" long and have a 2" tenticle that comes out, feels around and pulls stuff back in. Any ideas?


Active Member
the tubes are probably a tube worm they will extract a thread like mucus and catch stuff with it and pull back in to eat.... i cant stand these things they have taken over my tank they spread like crazy and then u have these lil thread things floating around everywhere
as for the crab general rule of thump point claws are no good in a reef flat ones are ok ....
i have a few hitchicker crabs so far a ok