school of reef fish???


I am looking to add some small reef fish to my current setup...........I have a 125g with plenty of live rock and corals........I currently only have 2 (1") false clown, 1 maroon and 2 tangs so my load is pretty light
I am looking to pick up a small school (4-7 small fish) of "reef friendly" fish.......i'm looking for a breed that swims together, kind of like follow the moving, very active....something like u would see in the ocean.
Does this exist???? is 4-7 to many?????
Thanks again everyone for all your advice..........I use it daily!!!!!!!


6 or more chomis will school, but if you can afford it get like 7 or 8 or even more black Australian clowns they bunch together and constant move like a swarm of bees, it's soooo cool to watch.


Thanks for the feedback............I've researched the above examples............any other suggestions


I haven't gotten any schoolers yet but would like some myself. I am looking at Catalina Gobies or Rao's Dart Gobies. I think the Catalina's look like a better bet and more accessible.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ducky
I haven't gotten any schoolers yet but would like some myself. I am looking at Catalina Gobies or Rao's Dart Gobies. I think the Catalina's look like a better bet and more accessible.
i went to the monteray aquarium and they had a tank of just catalina gobies. ( i never knew about them even tho i live right next to the island they are named after )
anyways, i went home to research about them and i decided not to get them because they are a cold water species, and wouldnt do so well in our tropical set-ups


Originally Posted by GNorman
i went to the monteray aquarium and they had a tank of just catalina gobies. ( i never knew about them even tho i live right next to the island they are named after )
anyways, i went home to research about them and i decided not to get them because they are a cold water species, and wouldnt do so well in our tropical set-ups

Bummer, looks like I am looking again... I will keep an eye on this thread.


Active Member
cardinal fish will scool. check out "blue eyed cardinals" or "pajama cardinals" those are my favorite cardinals


I had pyjama cardinals years ago and they schooled and even laid eggs (kept in the males mouth), but they were not energetic schoolers, they mostly "floated" together.


Active Member
i would just go with some green reef chromis. i have 3 in my 150 and they are constantly together and always moving. cardinals are good schooling fish but they dont seem to move around as much as the chromis. and the chromis are cheaper too