schooling butterflys


New Member
I ran into a sight that has cheap butterflys, and more veriaties than I've ever heard of. Would love to set up a tank of these beautys, on a lot of the varitys they said 3 or more would be ok together. Has any one had Melon butterflys can not find this one in my books. I keep reading that you should add all of the same kind of fish a once, How do you add 9 fish to a tank at once :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by seastarr
I ran into a sight that has cheap butterflys, and more veriaties than I've ever heard of. Would love to set up a tank of these beautys, on a lot of the varitys they said 3 or more would be ok together. Has any one had Melon butterflys can not find this one in my books. I keep reading that you should add all of the same kind of fish a once, How do you add 9 fish to a tank at once :notsure:
must be a big tank for one .and number 2 hopfully no corals in the tank some most butterflys will eat coral pollups.and you must have good filteration to handle that kind of bioload


New Member
Yes the tank is a 125 with live rock, power compacts. My home made filtration, is a wet dry and protein skimmer in a old 75 underneath in the cabinet this is not elegant, but gives
me about 50 gals of refugium space. I run all my tanks on this system, its cheep, works well, and it is a good way to recycle old tanks from twenty years a go. LOL I am moving a Map Angel and friends out of that tank to a larger one. Do you know any thing about Melon Butterflys, I will be pulling the rest of the butterflys out of my tanks? :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


"Chaetodon austriacus, the Red Sea Melon or Exquisite Butterflyfish. A Red Sea and Gulf of Aden endemic. Never lives in captivity, unlike so many of the other fishes hailing from this area. A feeder on live corals, anemones and snail eggs." --WetWebMedia