Schooling fish


New Member
We are just getting started with our tank. We have a yellow tang, 3 percula clowns, 3 clark clowns, an Indian yellowtail angel, and a scotter blenney. I was wondering if there are any schooling fish someone could recommend. I have done a little research on threadfin anthias. Does anyone have input on this. It just seems like we are missing something.


I'm not too familiar with the anthias but the green chromis come to mind. Peaceful schooling fish that stay small.


First off, how big is the tank and how long has it been set up?
Green Chromis school and are relatively easy to keep.
Anthias on the other hand are one of the harder fish to keep. They need mature and fairly large tanks with no hassle from other fish.


New Member
150 gallon tank that has been going for close to 5 months. It does have quite a bit of live rock.


You can get 4 or 5 green chromis and they will school my lfs has a display tank with them in it and it works real well. Good Luck


IMO, screw the green chromis...I had 5 in my 75 once and every single one of them disappeared. One by one, they just dropped off. Found three or four of them I think. I think they're really weak fish.


green chromis are a type of damsel, they are among the hardiest fish there are. well at least thats the impression ive always got from people. never actually had a green chromis but they are nice to look at and i believe they would be an easy to keep spieces. Craig are you sure you didnt have another fish picking on them, or am i just wrong about them being hardy?