Schooling Fish


New Member
I have a 30 gallon tank that I want to add four or five small schooling fish to. Other than blue/green chromis, what is a good, relatively small fish to get?


pajama cardinals will school, but the are not that active, chromis are acctually really cool i have five and they stay out all day and stay in a school. you might try to do more research on the damsel family and see what else will school up. i think some of the other cardinals might school up as well, not sure though. My yellow tangs have schooled up, but they are to large for your tank. good luck


Active Member
Fire fish will school together as well. But your really limited on the amount of fish you can have in that 30 gallon tank!! :happyfish


Honestly, there is no real schooling fish that you want to school that can be kepted in a tank that size.
Most of the time if you want schooling fish you want at least 6 or more to get the affect. 6 of any of the schooling fish will be to much for a 30g tank.
But to answer your question I would love to have a school of bangii cardinals but my tank is too small as well. The chromis are nice but if you dont have enough they are known to fight among themselves. I never knew that firefish were a schooling fish.


Cardinals will do fine. Pajamas might not be good because they get bigger than all the other cardinals. Long spines or Bangiis are better. Fire fish have a bad habit as so do the chromis of just declining to just one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pco1988
Cardinals will do fine. Pajamas might not be good because they get bigger than all the other cardinals. Long spines or Bangiis are better. Fire fish have a bad habit as so do the chromis of just declining to just one.
Same with Bagaii's!!! If you have a odd number like 3, the third one will be killed by the other two if they ever become a pair. :happyfish