scissor goby...


Can anybody tell me what to expect from a scissor goby. Problem is I never
see the fish. I catch a glimpse every now and again so I know it to be
alive and thats it. Does this fish swim hide or what?? everthing I have read has not helped me.. It's been in my tank for a month and looks healthy
when I do see it... Whats the deal???


Active Member
What else is in your tank? To me they are a lot like the firefish and will stay out if peaceful tank, but if something pics at them they will hide.


how long have you had this fish? i nko i have a dartfish and it took about 3 months fro it to feel completley comfortable with its soroundings. i know its annoying but try to ive it some time
maybye when you feed your fish put the food at the opposite side so it has to come out


Active Member
I bought two neon sailfin gobies (similar to the scissor). They dug a little burrow in the back corner of the tank and hide there for a good part of the day. They usually come right out during feeding time though.