scooter blennie


I have two scooters in my tank. They are great. I have about 25lbs of LR and they seem to love it. If you decided to get one, I would get at least two.


New Member
I love my scotter blennie,, he is soooo cute,, we love the way the looks like he is ****** ,,, they are not hard to keep at all;


Active Member
I have a red scooter blennie and he is a great fish to watch.
Mine feeds off the live rock but I also feed him live brine.


I don't think you need to pair them, in fact, I'd only do so if you have a LOT of live rock in your tank. They like to graze and don't always take to flake food.
Then again, I had one that used to beg for flake food so who knows... ;)
They are very entertaining fish, we used to call ours 'the puppy' because he had such a funny, pet-like personality!


New Member
FYI - 2 males will be territorial and compete for food. They eat copapods, and need a lot of LR. Sometimes they will eat brine or flakes, but cannot survive on that food.
Since I don't know what other fish you have, I'll just say, make certain that your other fish are not copapod eaters. For example, a 6-line wrasse is faster than a blenny and will compete for food, leaving the blenny to starve. They are cute little fish, but just like a mandarin, they need copapods to survive. Juli
[ June 11, 2001: Message edited by: jups1 ]