scooter blenny food


New Member
I have a scooter in a 29 gal biocube. I know it is probably to small now, but seeing as I have him. I want to know what you think. My scooter will go to town on frozen brine but I was worried that this was not enough nutrition. I had one in a 5 gal tank once and it also ate frozen brine but died after about 6 months. I'm sure it starved. Until recently I did not know that brine was mostly nutrient void. I have been trying to feed him other food but he spit most of it out (mysis, flake). I just happened to find out that he goes nuts for table shrimp from the store (he eats monster size pieces). So I processed a mix of table shrimp, brine, and mysis to feed him and my clown. He seems to be doing just fine and is looking pretty plump. Do you guys think that there is enough nutrition in this meal for him? I also have a good amount of lr in my tank and in the second chamber in the back.


Active Member
dunno about his nutrition like that, but if you see him getting really thin purchase PODS as they are the main food source, i feed mine that mixed with mysis (give him time, he'll eat it maybe) I have 1 in my 29 with my mandarin, so its a double meal for them.


Wow!!! you have a Mandarin Goby in a 29 gallon tank? Do you have a refuge where you breed pods for it to eat? How long have you had this Mandarin Goby in your tank?
Can you please let me know how you have been able to keep a Mandarin Goby in a 29 gallon successfully. I have a 30 gallon tank and I would really...really like to have a mnadarin goby but am afraid that he would starve and die.
Looking forward to hearing back from you.


Active Member
Ok, it's a decently easy idea behind it, I'm not going to personally 'recommend' it cuz I'll get crap from someone if I do. Do NOT rely on them eating frozen food but try to get them too. Mine I've only had for a month or so, but I've had the slightly easier scooter dragonet in there for 8 months. Thing is if you see it to start to decrease in size buy pods (some LFS have them, if not, look for Tiger Pods) and then seed your tank, this is if you haven't got the refugium, cuz i don't. Also I hid pvc piping along the back that is too small for the mandarin to fit in and the pods breed back there, I also got lucky and have various plants in my tank as hitchhikers where pods gather, and i created it as a cave where the mandarin cant fit so he won't eat all of it,
all in all, keep a steady supply of pods ready, they are 'difficult' if you don't know what you're doing. Also get a smaller one that doesn't need much food, mines only about an inch (this makes them more delicate to water paramets, but easier on foods.) any more questions I'll be happy to answer, but I am still decently new, but made alot of research and did what I could with the money I had, and I plan on him being alive for a good year and a half. (until I move)


Thanks for all the informatio man...I am going to set up a refuge within the next few days and I hope I can breed pods in there so the Mandarin is happy. The Red Scotter and Mandarin goby are 2 of my favourite fish and I hope someday I can have them both in my tank. There are already pods in my tank and I will make sure that there are lots more when I get the Mandarin.
Thanks again for all your help!


A trick that helped mine to start on some frozen is to get it where its near them and in a slight current moving a bit. Also you can buy pods offline if needed THOUGH i advise you have somewhere for them to breed safely so you do not need to keep buying them. Search for tigger pods from reed mariculture. Dealt with them in the past.

EDIT: I would however you pick your fav' dragonet more than one in such a tank with out a huge breeding population of pods is not a wise idea.


Originally Posted by blueram
Wow!!! you have a Mandarin Goby in a 29 gallon tank? Do you have a refuge where you breed pods for it to eat? How long have you had this Mandarin Goby in your tank?
Can you please let me know how you have been able to keep a Mandarin Goby in a 29 gallon successfully. I have a 30 gallon tank and I would really...really like to have a mnadarin goby but am afraid that he would starve and die.
Looking forward to hearing back from you.
I have a spotted mandarin in my 29-gallon. I have a 10-gallon sump/fuge also though, with calpuera in the fuge and some in the tank as well. They pretty much live in that and seem to eat it also. My mandarin is fat fat fat and happy. I watch her closely though and said that if she thins out somehow I'd start buying pods to supplement my own, but I've had her for like a year and haven't had any problems.


Originally Posted by xnikki118x
I have a spotted mandarin in my 29-gallon. I have a 10-gallon sump/fuge also though, with calpuera in the fuge and some in the tank as well. They pretty much live in that and seem to eat it also. My mandarin is fat fat fat and happy. I watch her closely though and said that if she thins out somehow I'd start buying pods to supplement my own, but I've had her for like a year and haven't had any problems.
Thanks for all the information, you give me hope
I will set up the refuge within te next few days and I will wait a few weeks before buying a Mandarin. If I notice that it is getting thin I can alway buy pods.


Originally Posted by blueram
Thanks for all the information, you give me hope
I will set up the refuge within te next few days and I will wait a few weeks before buying a Mandarin. If I notice that it is getting thin I can alway buy pods.

I'm glad! I recommend waiting a few months before buying the mandarin, though. [Unless of course you fall in love with one, which is what happened to me!] It sounds like you've got the right idea though, best of luck!