scooter blenny in three gallon...

star master

New Member
If you want a scooter blenny in your 3 gallon, it will be o.k. as long as you buy some copepods for 9.99 on SWF. I have two scooters in my 55 g and kept them for 3 months with no adding of copepods. I still have them. Definately consider it; they are so facinating to watch.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Star Master
If you want a scooter blenny in your 3 gallon, it will be o.k. as long as you buy some copepods for 9.99 on SWF. I have two scooters in my 55 g and kept them for 3 months with no adding of copepods. I still have them. Definately consider it; they are so facinating to watch.
please dont give advise like say that you still have them...are they healthy?...are they thriving and growing?
TO THE OP...there is no way that you can put enough live rock in a 3 gallon to support this could buy copepods from this site and your LFS to feed the scooter...however it will most likely be very expensive...were talking like $9.99 every 2 or 2 days...


these little guys can pack the food in, when you drop them pods in watch the blenny eat them up and he will not stop till he cant find anymore, they are always hunting, and no pod is safe, thats why you need a larger tank for them so some pods can escape from the blenny and reproduce, now if you had a 100 gallon fuges go for it, but that isnt likely,
but if you ask the pet store they will say sure he will be fine......


Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
please dont give advise like say that you still have them...are they healthy?...are they thriving and growing?
TO THE OP...there is no way that you can put enough live rock in a 3 gallon to support this could buy copepods from this site and your LFS to feed the scooter...however it will most likely be very expensive...were talking like $9.99 every 2 or 2 days...

FWIW 3 months is no where near what you should consider success with one of these fish. You are basically just slowly starving you fish to death rather than getting it over quickly.


Originally Posted by Star Master
If you want a scooter blenny in your 3 gallon, it will be o.k. as long as you buy some copepods for 9.99 on SWF. I have two scooters in my 55 g and kept them for 3 months with no adding of copepods. I still have them. Definately consider it; they are so facinating to watch.
- pretty ignorant advice. No, you CAN NOT keep that fish in your 3g! (nor should 2 of them be in your 55)


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
FWIW 3 months is no where near what you should consider success with one of these fish. You are basically just slowly starving you fish to death rather than getting it over quickly.

Sorry, but I have to agree. There is no way you could supply this fish with enough copepods to sustain a healthy and full life in a 3 gallon tank. They eat hundreds of copepods per day, so you are looking at buying copepods every day probably, which is by no way a feesible plan.


Active Member
Originally Posted by amyandbrandon2
You could always do coral, shrimp and inverts.
3 gallon is pretty small, but it can totally be done!


This is a great idea! I love the look of the nano reefs. I think they just look awsome because they are simple, and calm. Just something like a cleaner shrimp, some snails and coral. I am not sure but you might be able to get away with something like a firefish (can someone add on?). Good luck!


You know, you could always get a 20g long complete setup for a couple bucks and be able to keep 3 or 4 fish such are firefish, clowns, chromis, gobies, or blennies. I think I set up my QT for less than $50 (tank, filter, heater). If you are hell-bent on having fish, you will need a larger tank.


Three gallon tanks are not suitable for fish. Go with the inverts and coral. Take a look at the nano threads for some ideas.