Scooter Blenny


when i was at the local fish store my sisiter saw this fish that she absolutley had to have. its a scooter blenny. i thougght ok after a while and ecided to let her get it. were just waitng for some new ones to come in. is there anything i should know about scooter blennies? i have 2 oc clowns
tanks :eek:


Scooter Blennies are cool fish. They are timid feeders so you must make sure that food gets to the bottom of the tank where they stay. Also be careful of putting them in with more aggressive tank inhabitants like damsels which can (and do) pick on them. Good luck :cool: :cool:


Active Member
I have a red scooter blenny and he is one of my favorite fish.
The thing with scooter blennies is that they like to have alot of LR so they can feed off of the tiny critters that come with it.
Mine will eat live brine and only 1 time I seen him eat frozen food. I have never seen him eat flakes.
I would recommend a mature tank with a good portion of LR so little critters like copepods will be present for the blenny to eat.