scooter blenny


Hey all got a question ok i got a 29 gal,40 lbs of ls,27 lbs of lr. i bought what i was thinking was a blenny only to find out that the blenny isnt a blenny at all.he ate at the lfs brine shrimp and he is eating blood worms here i now know that they do need pods and alot of it so could this buy me time to order pods and use my old skilter as a fuge to keep my new little buddy goin


Active Member
You should be fine as long as he eats the blood worms. Mine also eats mysis shrimp, pellets, and flakes so you could try those too if you have them until you get the pods.


Active Member
no dont get one he will surely starve they need a tank min. of 100 gals. and at LEAST 100lbs of live rock in a tank that has been set up for at LEAST 8 months


Active Member
they dont need ANY of that if they are eating prepared food or nutritionally adequate live food you provide. I beg to believe many with a 100 gallon tank would even bother with a scooter blenny. They are quite a bit more willing than mandarins to eat things other than pods although some still just wont anything but live food.


Active Member
thank you.pods are a main source...prepare foods are secondary....if a scooter is eating prepared foods....your very lucky. they do have the same diet as a maderine but are not as can certainly suppliment his main diet with prepared foods and not needed 100lbs of LR. or a 100g tank.
If i saw a scooter on prepared foods i'd certainly purchase it.


Originally Posted by connor
no dont get one he will surely starve they need a tank min. of 100 gals. and at LEAST 100lbs of live rock in a tank that has been set up for at LEAST 8 months

well i have mine in a 20 and he is eating frozen and is doing fine
get a red scooter blenny


ok well as long as i can maintain him on frozens and get some pods he can have both it was love at first sight but i dont want to kill him, but he eats all the blood worms i put in the tank cause i have two false percs,and a striped damsel and the wont touch thosed worms for nothing in the world so there is no compotion as far as the foods go.thanks for the input it did put me at ease some cause theres no way im putting 100 lbs of lr in a 29gal lol.