Scooter Blenny

mr. crabs

New Member
Hey, I just got a Scooter Blenny. It's a really cool looking fish and he's fun to look at.
I was just wondering, why does it keep picking a the rocks. Is it eating when it does that? If not, what does it eat?
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Hopefully he will eat frozen food or live blood worms , or myisis shrimp, but in reality, he will probably only eat pods. Thats what he is picking at the sand for, live pods. Hopefully you have lots of LR and a fuge where pods will reproduce? Really tees me off they don;t tell you all this at the lfs
Good luck!


I had a scooter blenny and he pigged out on brine shrimp. But I would only use brine as a last resort. Try mysis first and deffinatley make sure you have pods. I have a manderin now and got 1000 (so they told me) live pods. Which is what your blenny is looking for. BTW my manderin has a big fat belly on him.

mr. crabs

New Member
Dumb question but what are these pods that you guys are talking about? I've never heard of them. How do they look like?


I once bought a male and female scooter, but I did not have enough pods to sustain them, so I returned them.
What did I learn from this experience?
Always research before I buy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by frosty
I had a scooter blenny and he pigged out on brine shrimp. But I would only use brine as a last resort. Try mysis first and deffinatley make sure you have pods. I have a manderin now and got 1000 (so they told me) live pods. Which is what your blenny is looking for. BTW my manderin has a big fat belly on him.

Did you get them on the auction site? Saw someine selling that quqnity. I am leary about buying them, especially since he claims you can't see them, how do we know he isn't selling just bopttles of water??? :scared: