Scooter Blenny


New Member
I have a scooter blenny that is not eating. I have had him for a month and never ate a great deal but recently he's been hiding more and is getting thin. Water parameters are fine(ammonia 0, nitrate 10 and ph 8.2). Recently I added copper to a level of .1 to treat a slight ick problem with a coral beauty(FO tank). Could this be a problem? I now have carbon in the filter to remove the copper. It is now about .05.
Do you have any idea what the problem could be or any ideas to stimulate his appetite?
Other info: 72 gallon FO, wet/dry, protein skimmer. I feed garlic and vitamin soaked food daily.
Thanks for your help.


scooter blennies eat pods, do you have any live rock to supply him w/pods?I had one starve to death when i first started and it was very sad.Good luck.


Active Member
I put a Scooter Blenny in a newly set up tank with no Live Rock and couldn't get it to eat a thing. Sadly it only lasted a month.
Hope you have better luck.


Had mine for a couple of weeks now. He seems to be eating what ever I feed the rest of his tankmates. Seems to like brine the best.


Active Member
I am not sure about the copper, but I know ANY amount of copper cant be good. Try to keep soaking all your food in garlic and then spot feed with a turkey baster, after you have the other fish going for food. Mine eats anything if it "sees" it, that is why the baster works good for me. HTH