j carter
I just ordered 2 fish one was a small lion the other was a christmas wrasse 5-6 inch insted they sent me a scott's fairy wrasse I put him in last night he won't come out of the rocks and my large lion will not stop trying to hunt him he is 7 inch the scott's wrass is 5 1/2 he can't swallow him he has all ready tried but still hunts tries to corner him in the rocks. I saw him come out once and my IMP. angel 6 inch picked on him ran him back into the rocks the lion is the main problem I was told the fairy wrasses is harder to get to eat than the x mas also should I give it a week and no results pull him out or ?
Also this morning My big lion has a silver looking eye glass eye etc. could the small lion I put it maybe stung him they get along great so far. The big lion is my favorite fish It makes me mad to see this how long for it to cure & what do you guys think happenend is there anything I can do. ( Thank You Jason)
Also this morning My big lion has a silver looking eye glass eye etc. could the small lion I put it maybe stung him they get along great so far. The big lion is my favorite fish It makes me mad to see this how long for it to cure & what do you guys think happenend is there anything I can do. ( Thank You Jason)