IMO scratches are annoying for sure.
1 or 2 small ones are not so bad, especially if they on the back or sides, but if this 75 you got is ALL scratched up, and the front looks like crap, I'd have to vote to buy a new one.
If not ..... later down the road, after all your hard work, tank becomes established, and everything in the tank is looking so FINE FINE FINE, everytime you look at it you'll say to yourself,
" Man it would be PERFECT if all those scratches weren't there"
Other folks will see them too, and you know what they'll be thinking too.
Nice tank - but geeze look at the nasty glass!
And you don't want to have to say to your friends - wait a minute - let me turn off the pumps and you can get a good birdseye view
It'll cost you more now - but in long run you will have a NICE looking set up.