scratches on acrylic plz


New Member
Well heres my situation.........The lfs i work for has an 800 gal reef tank. Stupid as it sounds we have a young kid that does general cleaning in the store. Well needless to say we had him clean the inner glass of the tank and in some areas its scratched beyond belief.
Is there any product that removes scratches from acrylic tanks while the tank is still full? Like an under water scratch remover that would be reef safe.
Any help would be apreciated thanx.:confused:


If you are willing to take a risk, I have a suggestion, but it is NOT guaranteed. Go to your hardware store and get what is called emery cloth. it is an abrasive epoxy-coated cloth. It is water proof, so it will not fall apart if used underwater. Get it in the finest grit available, I know you can get it at 1200 grit, but try for the finest they have. Then, buff it very gently with the cloth in a tiny spot and see if it works, or if it makes it worse. You might try a spot on the rear of the tank next to the overflow box just to see if it will work. That would be a nice out of the way place that wouldn't be noticeable if it didn't work. That is the only suggestion I would have for acrylics. That, and don't let noobs clean acrylic tanks. ;)