Scratches on glass tank?


Basically, is there something that will remove very fine scratches on a glass aquarium (outside glass)? I used the wrong type of pad trying to remove some gumk on the outside of my tank. Left me with fine scatches.


Active Member
Have you tried to wash the glass? Are you sure the scratches aren't just superficial and will rub off if you clean them?


I checked and they are scratches. Very very fine and figure some sort of polishing compound should do the trick....I think.


Active Member
Not sure. You might be able to get something from Autozone. Most scratch kits I've seen for aquariums are for acrylic.


Active Member
If you rub your fingernail across it...... and it "catches".... you are probably not going to be able to "buff" it out. Sorry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Marka1620
My fingernail doesnt I think I can work with it.
Good!! Do a search....Lots of products on the market to remove superficial scratches,,,,,ecspecially on the outside of the glass. Good luck.


Did you use a sponge from a local shop like Walmart? The reason I ask is that I noticed that most cleaning sponges and pads will say "Not for Aquarium use". I just hope you didn't use it inside. Any way, I would try jewelers Rouge (Spelling) They use that for removing scratches from glass and gold. Its a real fine paste. I think it might work. Good Luck