Scratching yellow tang


I thought my Yellow Tang had Ich but not sure. He started scraching alot 2 nights ago. I don't have a QT tank but I'm going to start one this weekend. He was scratching at the gill area and on the top. I haven't seen any signs of ich but a white spec and the end of his tail fin. I doesn't seem like it is ich. Kind of flat. the fish was at the LFS for about 2 week before i bought him. Now he is fine. This was a new addition to my tank and didn't start doing it until 2 days after. Does any one think it could be a spike from a new bio load. Or is this a sign of ICK. I have 50# of LR and 60# of LS.


Active Member
The scratching could indicate a parasite, but that white area on it's tail is part of the anatomy. You should see one on either side of the tail.
Your fish in the pic seems to have a red area at the base of the dorsal fin, though. Have you tested your water?


You can't see the white spec on the tail with this pic. kind of sucks. The red area is from scratching and it is starting to heal. It hasn't scratched all day and just a few times yesterday. When I first noticed it he was scratching all the time.


Staff member
That tang is pretty wasted nutritionally. What kind of tank do you have him in and what are you feeding him?
Good idea to get a QT up and going.


hi i got same behavior from few fish in my aquarium.
i is very ill hawaii hawk has noe been eating for 8 days or so.
my fish dont have the white spots yet, but skin does not look smooth, and they are scratching like hekk.
i just set up 20gal hospital with heat power head, and air pump.
added copper and fish just few min ago. i am hoefull they will all make it.