

my tang occasionally will flop on his side and send a small cloud of sand into the air. He will do this like two to three times and then stop. I cant tell if he is trying to scratch or what? He's been doing it for a few weeks now so I dont think it is anything too serious, but if somethings wrong I want to treat it.


Staff member
Well, that is interesting. How long have you had this fish? Is he dashing against the sand bed like rubbing? Or just keals over?
How does the fish look and behave aside from this oddity?


I've had the fish for about a month and a half and it looks likes its rubbing against the sand bed. It still eats a lot and is very active, but has a faint patch of little light brown (kind of rust colored) spots on its side. He's been hanging out with my shrimp a lot lately too.