Screwing into 36" Standard AGA stand?


Active Member
Would screwing a few screws into one of the back legs of a standard 36" wide AGA stand compromise the strength at all?
I have a loaded 65g on it.
Im looking to install a Reefkeeper 2 and an American DJ power center to control the tank's functions and the best place for it would be to use screws into the back left leg. I may use double sided tape for the RK2, but the power center will need screws.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by GatorWPB
Would screwing a few screws into one of the back legs of a standard 36" wide AGA stand compromise the strength at all?
I have a loaded 65g on it.
Im looking to install a Reefkeeper 2 and an American DJ power center to control the tank's functions and the best place for it would be to use screws into the back left leg. I may use double sided tape for the RK2, but the power center will need screws.
No, your good Gator. A couple of screws arent going to weaken it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
No, your good Gator. A couple of screws arent going to weaken it.
Thanks VVV, I see all these build threads and those stands look so much more secure than my AGA stand. The American DJ power center is larger than I thought, so Im gonna have to be creative in finding a place to install. Ill post pics once Im all done


Active Member
Most stands are way over built. Anyways a

or two of reasonable size wont generally hurt anything structurally.


Active Member
Thanks all. Here's how it turned out. Would have had the display screen of the RK2 more in the front, but girlfriend does like too much stuff sticking out from the tank.

The wavemaker function on the RK2 is amazing, my sps already are seeng more polyp extension, even though their extension was good to begin with.

The power strip:

Sump area:

Tank shot: