This is a diary for my new 29 gal BC! I can only hope to achieve what some have crated here with their nanos
. I've had it cycling for a few weeks now and used cured and cultured LR/Sand and water from an established 235 gal. Cycling appears to be complete and with the spread of new corline algae I decided purchased a few Talbot Damsels, a temporary Sailfin Tang (you can see him hiding in the corner), and a little polyp frag.
My plan is, if I can get the polyps to spread I'll fill it up with a wider range of coral. I left it a little spacious incase I buy any large frags. I'm also adding one of my DYI canister filters to help add better flow and maybe getaway without having to add a protein skimmer.
What do you think so far?
I'm a total noob at reef tanks and I have been trying to maintain my parents 235 gal tank for about 5 months now (nothings died yet
thats a plus huh?) and got bit by the reef bug so I decided to give a tank of my own a shot. Any advice is well appreciated, thank you.
My plan is, if I can get the polyps to spread I'll fill it up with a wider range of coral. I left it a little spacious incase I buy any large frags. I'm also adding one of my DYI canister filters to help add better flow and maybe getaway without having to add a protein skimmer.
What do you think so far?
I'm a total noob at reef tanks and I have been trying to maintain my parents 235 gal tank for about 5 months now (nothings died yet