scum on water


New Member
does anyone have any suggestions about what I can do to get rid of a floating "oil slick" that appears on my water surface every few days? I have a protein skimmer - which I thought was suppose to take care of that - and 2 powerheads, a fluval 404. My tank is 90gallon - with only 6 fish - p.b. tang, regal tang, flame hawkfish, flame angel, blennie and a gramma. I also have 140 pounds of live rock. thanks:)

mr . salty

Active Member
This slick indicates two things,One is an excess of nutients or dissalved organtics in the water..Your skimmer should be removing these.What kind of skimmer is it that you have,and is it working correctly???? #2,is that this shows you have "dead spots"on the surface.Simply aim one ot two of your powerheads so it stirs up the surface.This will eliminate these "dead spots" and also help add oxegen to the water...


I had the same problem once and that is what cleared mine up. My sponge filter on the intake of the powerhead for the skimmer was clogged, and I added a powerhead to really move the surface of the water. Problem solved.

sal t. nutz

They make an attachment for the Fluval that replaces you normal intake tube with an intake that pulls water from the bottom of the tank AND skims the surface. I used to have that film until I bought it, and I don't have it anymore. The surface looks like a mirror now.

cap'n pete

I'm with nutz, get the surface skimmer attachment for the Fluval. It's like $13 at your LFS. There is a picture of one on my homepage.

cap'n pete

I guess not as expensive as mine! I think I paid $11.99 for the AquaClear one (same thing)! That's probably why it's been 5 years and I'm still trying to get everything for the tank, help me I'm going broke! LOL